Soltani Therapy is a body of knowledge designed to provide essential wisdom and resources to clients to assist them in viewing life differently and to actually grow from life experiences rather than becoming victim to them.
All services offered to clients incorporate an element of self-awareness about life and individual environments. Clients are supported through appropriate coaching and inspired to learn via real life experiences.
Application of Soltani Therapy RAISEs awareness in the following areas:
Know What Drives you
What drives you forward every second of your life and why such deeper self-realization can enable you to understand the reasons why you choose your particular path? Most importantly, you understand why a series of daily events have brought you to this point in your life.
Find Inner Wisdom
The appreciation of the simplicity of life patterns and the power of its cause-and-effect forces are your real guide to wisdom. You will realize that your life is continuously impacted by everyone and every action that are taking place around you. These forces constantly reshape the life events into what is required, within a given time and place for your particular growth and development.
Explore and change
How you may develop courage to question, search and embrace views very different to your own. You can only embrace new awareness in accordance to your individual psychological makeup and your level of maturity.